Web Design - Databases - Search Engine Optimisation- Usability Engineering
& Hosting
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Sky-Web are a group of web designers and programmers, originally based in Kent, but now in Manchester, UK .
We specialize in IT consultancy, web page design and development, small databases
(both for the web and the desktop), web site optimisation (usability engineering
and SEO), aviation and science. We have strong links with several other IT
specialists, with whom we often work as a team on larger projects, and this
relationship enables us to provide a wide range of services whenever necessary.
We regularly provide web site optimisation and database services for one of
these companies.
If we manage the entire web site, we can use our own hosting service to keep
the costs down, thus enabling companies, clubs, musicians, festivals to have
an affordable web site, opening up commercial web space to more people.
Typically a small business, local festival, artist, club, theatre group or entertainer
would find that the inclusive web service we offer is much cheaper than the
traditional approach of pay a designer, pay a domain register, pay a hosting
service and then hope (or pray) that the total price is affordable.
Some recent projects |
- As well as working on their home site, the International Sustainable Development Research Society has asked us to create their annual conference websites (We created their main site years ago.). The 2023 ISDRS Conference is the third one we have created, with others listed here.
- Did you know diesel can get degraded by bugs eating it? Oxford Fuel Polishing cleans diesel fuel for boats and barges on canals and rivers within 100 miles of their Wantage base. They were very pleased with their new website, which they ordered after the success of their Marine Services business.
- Oxford Marine Services provides engineering, electrical and mechanical services of all sorts to the marine community in the Oxford, Wantage and surrounding areas.
- An artist decided she would like a website to show some of her work and the result was Another happy client.
- The General Aviation Alliance exists to support all forms of aviation when new regulations are under review. Their old website was in need of an update so they contacted us, based on recommendations about our work with other aviation organisations.
- A creator of artist impressions for architects and builders needed a showcase for her work, leading to
- The BGAShop was recently updated to a more modern ecommerce site, after a server upgrade caused them problems with their original shop. It's nice when old customers come back after many years for a new look design.
- After providing regular technical support for Greenfield Entertainment, we went on to create a small site for them - Greenfield Shooting.
- Do you care about Birds and Cats? Same here. We created a short two year project to raise money for a charity. We had earlier done some other work with the person in charge, so she hired us again. This site is now off line as the project is over
- When the British Gliding Association lost their original web developer, they turned to us to maintain their old site for several years, before a team from major company developed a new site.
- We worked at Oxford University's Department of Sociology to produce their new website. The site has recently been restyled (some colours and sizes were changed), but the underlying code that pulls data from the database is still ours. We also provided support to another department's site, but it has now been updated since we left.
- Artist Heather Hunter, wanted her old web site modernised and was given a major redesign and face-lift.
- The International Sustainable Development Research Society eventually wanted a new web site and some consultancy advice. We were pleased to help them, again.
- We helped Lasham Gliding Society with the Google adwords campaign
- Vincent MPH, builders of the kit car of the same name, came to us after their original designer was unavailable and they wanted a redesign with extra features. We also created a small site to their own design for their Classic Car Services business in Oxfordshire.
- International scientific society,, needed their site re-developed and membership features added. We have worked with them for several years now.
- We recently gave Oxfordshire based graphic designer AptArt-Design some assistance with their web site.
- Need to buy a cat scratching post? We have just finished an ecommerce shop for American supplier Natural Scratch which is now online.
- Charity The Fintry Trust initially had us tweek the appearance of their site, and we have been supporting them for many years since.
- Website redesign/modernisation for a gliding club who have used
our services previously for their competition websites. Windrushers
Gliding Club, Oxfordshire. Eventually we did another redesign when they had a name change to Bicester Gliding Centre. Coming soon - another National Gliding Championship web site for the same people.
- A local gliding club wished to advertise their holiday courses and was
the result.
- LadsandLasses had trouble
with their old online shop, so we built them a much more modern ecommerce
site. And they are very happy now. After many years of hard work, they are now retired and the site went offline
- After struggling to edit their cheaply built web site (cheap is
never cheap in the long run), The
Transformational Changes Team asked us to add a simple editing
system so they could make small edits whenever necessary. They are very pleased
with their new easy editing system. Later on, we redesigned their web site. Then later we added an online store as well. Clients do keep coming back to us. They are now considering a change of business so the site is currently offline.
- Web site for avionics company -
- this site also used our SEO services. Recently we re-designed the entire site and added a simple shopping cart as well as some nice special effects.
- Aptus Interiors, specialists in office renovations / improvements
wanted an on-line shop for the furniture side of their business, and
were very pleased with the final result at Aptus
Furniture. We also made some mini-sites for them, such as Office
Partitions Manchester, Office
Interiors Oxford and Cheap
Office Furniture West Midlands. The owner has now had a complete change of business and the sites are now offline
- Once again, Sky-Web.Net was chosen to create and manage the web
site for a National gliding competition - Standard
Class Nationals 2011
- Irish building products company Contech launched an advertising
campaign for their popular Tec7 range, and we built them
- Classic car restoration and repairer Manor
Garage, Wantage were so pleased with their web site, they repaired
my car, twice.
- Artist Stewart Phillips
needed help with his site - Sky-Web to the rescue.
- Online database for MRSLettings
Ltd, as the sub-contractor for, creating the database,
admin side and pages showing property to the public.
- BGA Online Shop - e-commerce
solution for a national sporting organisation. We have also done some small consultancy work for the BGA.
- UK Folk Festivals
lists most folk festivals taking place in the UK
- Question and answer database for pilots, taken before their first
- Kidney Dialysis
News Blog - in addition to the other dialysis site
- Alcaidesa-Golf, a
luxury holiday home in Spain -if only we lived somewhere as nice!
- Wireless technology specialists
AIB used our consultation services to improve their web site
- Parasential Parachutes
The UK distributor for Softie Parachutes was very pleased with their
web site.
- The Nutrition
Consultants were having problems building their own web pages,
until Sky-Web gave a hand, and solved their problems.
- Mel James Ltd - Aerospace
and defence consultant, a UK specialist who has worked with the
RAF and the UN. After many years of work, the owner recently retired and the site weny offline
- 18m
National Gliding Championship, 2008 - web site for this prestigious
National competition.
- Website and database for Oxford University research project - access
restricted to those involved in the project
- a specialist adhesive and sealant distributor. This
distributor now works with a different supplier, and the site is dormant.
- Kidney Dialysis
is an information site to help those suffering from renal failure.
- was an Australian dance instructor's site -
now dormant.
- Addition of an online database for Windrushers members, to view
their flight records and account balances (restricted access to members
- Web-based file uploader, multiple usernames and passwords, for a
company extranet
- Database for a financial advisor, enabling more efficient management
of their clients and services.
- Online database design and implementation services for other web
designers -
and also their new owners,
Work includes the database driven property section of the letting
company site
and the database driven section of
Another two database projects were recently completed for OnMeJack
at, again
just the database driven sections. Plus work on their,
again the database (mentioned near the top).
- Web site for a national championship Standard
Class Nationals and a regional championship Bicester
Regionals - currently we've now done ELEVEN competiiton sites,
including FOUR National Championships, and more are planned for this
- Database for a multimedia production company
- Web site for a computer consultant After many years of hard work, client is now considering retiring.
- Web site for UK Junior Nationals Gliding
Championship which used our shared hosting option to reduce costs. An old site, now offline as the competition was quite some time ago.
- Database for the RAF GSA to organise equipment, personnel, committee
members for over twelve RAF clubs.
- Scoring program for gliding competitions for the RAF GSA.
- Web site for a charity - The
Hamblin Trust (we give charities a good discount from our normal
prices). Includes database driven daily reading page and online purchase
of books
by Henry Thomas Hamblin
- Design and template creation -
- Site for trailer transportation group - -
also took our SEO services (the company no longer provides this transportation
- Small database for a building equipment supplier.
- Web site for folk singers - Taggart
and Wright - which uses our shared web space.
If you want some free advice on web design, try our Web
Articles section. Sky-Web also promotes some free science tutorials such
as types of reactions and balancing
chemical equations, as a service to the community. Other science tutorials
are listed on our personal
pages, with uses
of the transition metals being a popular one.
A review article on Notam software was published
in Sailplane and Gliding. Updates to these programs will be reported on here.