Other Web Services by Sky-Web

Site Optimisation

Is your current web site not producing the results you'd expect? There are several important concepts to be borne in mind when designing a web site, and not all are immediately obvious to most people when building their own site for the first time. Some people make subtle mistakes. And the result? Visitors stay for a very short time, if at all, and then move on somewhere else. These oversights could be costing you money. Perhaps your site needs a bit of fine tuning.

Sky-Web designers can examine your web site and suggest changes to improve its performance, make pages load faster, focus viewers attention, improve readability and upgrade its user appeal and site engine rating. With degree level qualifications in Usability Engineering and Human Computer Interaction, Sky-Web uses methods reported by academic research to improve your site, not guesswork.

The cost depends on the size of your site but for the average small site it normally costs between £50 and £150, more for larger sites. We tend to tell you the truth about your site, not necessarily what you want to here about it.


Higher Search Engine Placement

A high rating in a search engine doesn't happen by accident. Careful design of a web page can improve it's placement in search engine results. While we definitely can't guarantee that you will get a top ten placement when someone searches on a topic, we can improve your position in most cases. A high placing results in more visits and more business for you. To see the result of our work, enter "tsunami" in Google and look at how many hits it returns (over 500,000).
Now enter "famous tsunami" or "pictures of tsunami" in Google, Yahoo or MSN (from the Search button in your browser)
You should find www.sky-web.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/wwa/tsunami.htm is there in the top or second top place. It's one of our demonstration pages for better search engine placement.

On the MSN search engine also try "uses of the transition metals" or "types of reactions" or "le chatelier's principle" and more Sky-Web sample pages appear at the top of the list. These are some educational pages we provide as a free service to the community.

You don't get to be the top site in MSN searches or at Google by accident! Try our service, you know it makes sense.


mp3 Files

A special offer for folk and traditional music groups - we will create mp3 files of your music from your CD to put on your web site. Normally we simply ask for a copy of the CD to make two mp3 files for you! That's right, just a copy of the CD gets you two free mp3 files. To convert an entire CD to mp3 files we ask for an extra £10 .

We will even do this if you have a site of your own already up - you just add a link to this site as a thank you.


Contact us now by e-mail or phone Sky-Web on (UK) 01634 310601 or 07894 670753

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