Web Solutions by Sky-Web
& Wright Virus
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Remote Troubleshooting
Is your in-house produced web site going badly wrong?
Are you struggling to get things to work via the Internet that
work perfectly on your own computer? You could be loosing business
rapidly - would you buy from a company who can't get their web
site to work?
A situation like this is very common. You have to ask yourself
how valuable your time is and what you could be earning in the
time taken to solve the problem yourself. Is it worth it?
Sky-Web can examine your site and problem
pages, and give advice to solve your problems on a no
fix no fee basis. In some cases we can even make a
copy of your troublesome pages and email you the cure. We charge
the same fee per page to fix your problem as if we had designed
the page for you from scratch.
We will even do this if you have a site of your own already
up and running - although you should add a link to our site
as a thank you.
We can also provide an anti-spam email link
for all your pages, for a one-off fee of £50.
Normally spammers will find your email address
from your web page, but we can stop them. Reduce
the amount of spam you recieve with this well proven simple
feature, which prevents robots finding your email address from
your web pages, yet is perfectly clear to human visitors.
Contact us now by e-mail or phone Sky-Web on (UK) 01634 310601
or 07894 670753 |
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